
Kenya Lands Alliance (KLA)

This is a membership organization comprising of Civil Society Organizations and Individuals committed to effective advocacy for the reform of policies and laws governing land in Kenya. Some of KLA’s programs include; Advocating for women land rights, land governance and strengthening community land rights

Habitat for Humanity Kenya’s membership in KLA greatly benefits our programmatic area 3: Evidence-based advocacy for land titling and security of tenure.


Kisumu County WASH Network

Kisumu County WASH Network serves as the County’s umbrella organization for development partners in the Water, Sanitation and Hygiene sector. It was established in 2012 to strengthen the coordination and integration of WASH activities among various actors to influence policies, reduce project duplication, improve information sharing and guarantee quality standards for improved impact in the sector service delivery.

Habitat for Humanity Kenya has joined this network in preparation for an upcoming Water Management and Increased Climate Resilience Project in Lower Nyando Sub-County. 

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