HFH Kenya National Director, Ruth Odera Retires


The National Director Habitat for Humanity Kenya, Ruth Odera has retired. Ruth officially left the organization on 31st May, 2022 having served at the helm of the organization from 2019. Prior to her appointment to this role, Ruth served at the Habitat for Humanity EMEA for about 6 years.

Following Ruth’s retirement, HFH Kenya Staff and board members gathered to appreciate her for the service and dedication to the organization at a farewell party held on the 7th July, 2022 in Nairobi. Also present for the farewell party were HFH Africa Area staff, Ruth’s family members, friends and neighbors.

“ This is not a goodbye , but a thank you to  Ruth Odera for her service that has changed lives of many vulnerable people in the community across Kenya’’ said Maurice Makoloo the HFH Africa Area Vice President in a speech read on his behalf  during the event.

Speaking during the event HFHK board chairman Frank Ireri, appreciated Ruth for her dedication and service to the organization that enabled HFHK to stabilize over her tenure. HFHK staff who worked with Ruth appreciated her guidance and leadership over the years.

Ruth on her part, remembered the times she  served at Habitat for Humanity and some of the challenges that the team was able to overcome under her leadership including the recent Covid-19 pandemic that slowed down the operations of the organization. “When many Africa offices were being closed down, I assured the leadership that we will make it as HFHK, because we are Kenyans who work hard to achieve their objectives in most difficult circumstances,” added Ruth.

During her tenure, HFH Kenya was able to move from the unrestricted funding to get other restricted funding for the housing programs. HFH Kenya also implemented Covid-19 relief projects that included cash transfers to the  low-income and vulnerable families.

The HFHK staff, board members and HFH Africa Area office presented gifts and a certificate of service to Ruth during the farewell party.

Nixon Otieno  was appointed by the board to serve as the Interim National Director as from 1st June, 2022. Nixon has been serving as the senior programs manager at Habitat for Humanity for the last 2 years.
