Launch of the “Giving Habitat to Humanity” Fundraising Campaign

We are delighted to announce the successful launch of the “Giving Habitat to Humanity” fundraising campaign, which took place on 29th of May 2024 at the Capital Club. The event brought together over 100 esteemed guests, including stakeholders, partners, and well-wishers, all unified by a common goal: to promote and support the provision of decent, adequate, and affordable housing for families in need across Kenya.

We extend our deepest gratitude to all attendees for their presence, engagement, and unwavering commitment to this noble cause. Your contributions, whether through insightful discussions, pledges of support, or active participation, have immensely contributed to the success of this campaign launch. We are truly appreciative of your dedication and generosity.


The “Giving Habitat to Humanity” fundraising campaign is a transformative initiative by Habitat for Humanity Kenya (HFHK). Its primary objective is to construct 100 safe, adequate and affordable homes for families in need across Kenya. By focusing on low-cost housing models, Appropriate Building Materials Technology (ABMT), land tenure, and housing financing options, the campaign aims to build hope, foster resilient communities and significantly improve the quality of life for vulnerable families.

Access to decent shelter is more than just having a roof over one’s head; it empowers families, enabling children to attend school regularly, parents to pursue employment opportunities, and overall enhancing the well-being of communities. Stable housing plays a crucial role in breaking the cycle of poverty, contributing to better mental and physical health, and fostering a sense of security and dignity.

We are open to partnering with individuals and organizations to ensure that every Kenyan has access to safe, affordable, and adequate housing. If you are interested in joining us in this mission of building hope, please reach out to us at or visit our website at for more information.

Once again, we thank you for your invaluable support and look forward to your continued engagement as we work together to build a brighter future for families across Kenya. Your commitment to this cause not only provides homes but also offers hope, stability, dignity and a better quality of life for many.
Together, we can make a significant impact and transform lives through “Giving Habitat to Humanity.”


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