We bring people together to build hope

Enabling access to decent and affordable housing in Kenya

Our impact

impacted in local communities and schools with our Water, Sanitation and Hygiene program

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individuals supported with training, savings mobilization, and retail loans for incremental building


Providing Adequate and Affordable housing solutions

Habitat for Humanity Kenya has embarked on a 5-year (2020-2025) business plan that seeks to position the organization as one of the central players in providing Adequate and Affordable (AA) housing for low-income households in Kenya.

Country context

Kenya’s population stood at 47.6 million in 2019, with an estimated annual growth of 2.3%, according to the World Bank. Kenya is one the most developed countries in East Africa, with a young population as well as a dynamic and growing private sector.

The housing need in Kenya

Kenyans live in slums, representing about 56% of the country’s urban population.

0 million

the size of the annual housing gap in Kenya


300,000 people supported with microfinance

At the market level, we also work with financial institutions to develop financial products targeted at low-income households. Through a project funded by the MasterCard Foundation, Habitat worked with a Kenya Women Finance Bank to develop a microfinance product that reached more than 300,000 people in 3 years and catalyzed more than $70 million investment into low-income housing.

Scaling up the impact of safe homes​

Safe homes have a huge positive impact on health, education, and security for families across Kenya. From Laikipia to Homa Bay, our projects transform lives, fostering resilience and prosperity.


We support building the economic well-being of communities and individual households by improving their access and use of housing finance.


We develop and delivers inclusive Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WaSH) interventions that are customized, affordable and sustainable.

Land tenure

We advocate for land rights, especially for low-income women, and help develop and empower local communities.

Disaster response

We support communities in reducing risk from and exposure to disasters while helping develop sustainable disaster response interventions.

Discover our work
From microfinance to access to clean water and secure land tenure, we tackle housing poverty in Kenya in its many forms.
Our projects
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Our mission is to provide safe decent homes for low-income and vulnerable families in Kenya.

Sharing is caring

Our mission is to provide safe decent homes for low-income and vulnerable families in Kenya.

Sharing is caring